PTSA Meeting

Join us at 6:30pm in the PGMS library.

Ice Cream Social

Join us for the PGMS PTSA Ice Cream Social! Please consider making a suggested donation of $5.00 so that the PTSA can

PTSA Meeting

Join us at 6:30pm in the PGMS library.

Butterfly Parade & Bazaar

Get ready for the annual Butterfly Parade and Bazaar! The parade starts at 10:30 am followed by the Butterfly Bazaar and Concert

PTSA Meeting

Join us at 6:30pm in the PGMS library.

Honor Society Breakfast

Celebrate PGMS Honor Students at the Honors Breakfast November 5 from 7:30am - 8:30am. Students have worked hard to make the Honor

6th Grade Movie Night

Join us for 6th Grade Movie Night: Friday, November 8th 4-6pm Featuring: TBD Location: Lighthouse Theater 525 Lighthouse Ave Pacific Grove Pizza

PTSA Meeting

Join us at 6:30pm in the PGMS library.

Staff & Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

Join us in honoring the exceptional staff and teachers who inspire, guide, and shape the minds of our students every day. As

PTSA Meeting

Join us at 6:30pm in the PGMS library.

Honors Breakfast

Celebrate PGMS Honor Students on January 30 from 7:30am - 8:30am. Students have worked very hard to achieve the Honor List and